Freephone 0800 227 383 for the best possible pet care

CareVets catteries give you peace of mind while you are away and have been designed with your feline in mind.
Our purpose-built catteries and staff offer a high level of care to help your pet be healthy and happy during their stay with us. As every cat is unique, we take time to get to know your cat and ensuring they find a routine that keeps them comfortable and happy.
All cats that stay in our boarding catteries are looked after by trained staff. As we are a veterinary clinic, this includes a daily check by a veterinary nurse. If there are any signs of illness or injury this will be assessed by a Veterinarian.
If your cat has a special dietary requirement or needs daily medication, our staff will ensure your cat is tended to in this regard.
An advantage of having our catteries as part of our clinics means that certain routine procedures can be carried out while you are away. These may include dentistry, grooming or even de-sexing. Please let us know if you would like any of this done when you make your booking.
To book your cat into one of our catteries, available at several of our clinics, contact us today.